jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

How long is forever???

Why sometimes (or a lot of times) we say/listen: “I’ll do this forever”

But in some seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months or years, it reaches the end.

"Forever" should have no end!!!


lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Rayos de sol

Rayos de sol que se cuelan por la ventana, así se cuelan las bendiciones a nuestra vida, depende de nosotros aprovecharlas, compartirlas con los demás, y utilizarlas para dar felicidad a quienes nos rodean.

De mi parte eso es lo que más pido a Dios: felicidad.

Algunos piden salud, otros dinero, muchos paz mundial, algunos viajes, hay quienes piden familia, etc., etc., etc.

Pero para mí, un poquito de todo eso se engloba en una sola palabra: felicidad.
Vivir felices en familia es lo que más valoro en esta vida.

Haciendo una analogía de la vida con esta foto, lo que aquí se representa es una obra que la estaban construyendo, hay demasiado polvo, y acababan de barrer, la gran cantidad de polvo en el ambiente hizo que sobresalieran estos rayos de sol.

Y así es la vida, si tenemos algo bueno, lo valoraremos más cuando sabemos que esto hace falta en otro lugar.

martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Mis películas favoritas..

Hablando de películas:

Mis súper favoritas son:

Otras muuuy buenas:

My favorite movies...

Talking about movies...

My top favorites are:

Another very, very good movies:

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

A fish sale in Mumbai

A fish sale in Mumbai

    From my desk in Mumbai, some years ago.

     Mumbai: one of the largest cities in India, and in the world. Has coast in the Arabic Sea, which is a source of food and income for fishermen in this area.

    One day, I was alone, walking around the city. I went on a street market, sales to the sides of the narrow streets. Suddenly, I felt the smell of fish, when I turned to the corner, saw I had reached the ​​seafood area.

    I found tables with fish of different sizes, the small ones were stacked together, while large fish (more than one meter long) were cut in half showing their guts.

     Women were swatting away flies, and setting fire to smoke the fish, scaring away more flies. Cats waiting for someone to be carless, to steal pieces of fresh meat.

    Tuc tucs were horning by the narrow streets making a way. Rats in the sewers below waiting for someone to wash a table and getting some scraps.

    I also saw tea vendors offering cups of tea with hot milk. Women buyers showing a part of the belly that gets out of their typical clothes: sarees, were exchanging words in a language I do not know, all I could understood from the Hindu was panch (five).

    Children playing in the street, waiting for their mothers to complete the sale. To return to their humble little room, where they most likely live with all the family.

    Pictures? No! If I show you, it would remove the fantasy each one has created in his/her mind, about this little experience.

    If do you want to see the street location, open this Internet link site http://maps.google.com, and then search: 19.12445,72.9178

A hug from the Incredible India,


Edgar Guzmán